Democracy — Democracy of Lies The third in a series of four articles by Oskar Kanehl for Die Erde, this text talks about the counter-revolutionary role of democracy in the…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 7 No. 15 - 3 July 1920) Including: British Communist Party resolutions/programme, elections in Germany, Sylvia Pankhurst on…
Spiritual Revolution — World Revolution A followup of the previous one on National Revolution, this text by Oskar Kanehl talks about the spiritual dimension of the proletarian…
National Revolution — Counter Revolution Short text by the Council Communist poet Oskar Kanehl talking about the counter-revolutionary nature of a national standpoint and the need for an…
Yippie Election Day Protests in San Francisco (Berkeley Barb) Two articles from the Berkeley Barb covering the Yippies' Election Day protests in San Francisco,…
Role and Tasks of the KAPD in the Social Revolution Very short article by the KAPD about it's functions that it must perform in the course of a revolution. Originally published in "KAZ, 1925, No…
ANTI-FASCIST INTERNATIONALIST FRONT's Message for International Women’s day 2025 Revolutionary Women of Burma, and of The World, Today on International Women’s day, as on all days,…
دنیای دلخواه ترامپ مقالۀ «قدرت آمریکا در عصر ناسیونالیستی نوین» به قلم مایکل کیمج مدیر موسسۀ کنان وابسته به مرکز ویلسون، یکی از اندیشکده های سرمایه داری، میکوشد فهم پدیدۀ ترامپ، شرایط کنونی جهان و روی کار آمدن دولتهایی که با عناوین فاشیسم، راست افراطی، مافیایی، سلطانیستی و ... شناخته میشوند را در بستر تاریخی گفتمان نوین ناسیونالیستی واکاوی نماید. انتخاب و ترجمۀ مقاله بخاطر ضرورت آشنایی با نظرات متنوع نهادهای سرمایه جهانی در تحلیل و…
The Curse of Compromise Very short text by the Council Communist and Expressionist writer Max Hermann-Neiße about the disastrous role of compromise for a revolutionary…
Wilding Transformations & Great Expectations. (Personal Diary 1) - The John Clare Collective An edited diary of events, theoretical speculation and conflicts with authority as…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 49 - 28 February 1920) Including: repression of the American Communist Party, Sylvia Pankhurst on Bernard Shaw's …